IT Support Kent

IT Support Kent

Image taken by Castle Farm, Kent

IT Support Kent

Your Jargon Free & Trusted IT Partner

Our Head Office – 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Office Number – 020 3150 0411

We have a small office located in Sevenoaks, we already support several Kent base clients so know the fantastic people and businesses that are in the county. We are part of business network groups in the following areas:

  1. Sevenoaks.
  2. Kings Hill.
  3. Maidstone

We are also a proud member of the Sevenoaks Chamber of Commerce.

Whether you are looking for pay-as-you-go support or Managed IT Services our friendly team will be delighted to help.

Get in touch with us for a Jargon Free & Trusted IT Partner who provides IT Support in Kent.

View our IT services here.

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