IT Support Maidstone

IT Support Maidstone

Image taken by Kent Live, Maidstone, Kent

IT Support Maidstone

Your Jargon Free & Trusted IT Partner

Our Head Office – 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Office Number – 020 3150 0411

Maidstone is Kent’s largest town and the county home; the area boasts of a busy town with rural surrounding areas. PDR IT have a local presence supporting Maidstone based clients from company sizes ranging from 1 to small teams.

Our friendly team are on hand to support small and medium sized businesses with first class support giving you a trusted IT Partner who has your back.

Get in touch with us for a jargon free IT support who provides IT support in Maidstone. If you prefer, we’re happy to meet in person whether that is at your offices or over a coffee in town.

View our IT services here.

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